Skills to Build

In close collaboration with the private sector, the project promotes employment opportunities in the construction sector through specific training measures. In this way, the incomes and employment opportunities of 4 500 unskilled youth and 500 already employed, low-skilled construction workers and workshop owners are to be improved or increased. The beneficiaries are between 15 and 35 years old.

Despite a rapidly growing economy, Mozambique is still one of the poorest countries in the world. A high poverty rate and unemployment, especially among young people, stifle the future prospects of young Mozambicans.

The growing construction sector is basically an ideal sector for integrating young adults with little education into the world of work. So far, however, foreign construction companies in particular have benefited from increased demand in the construction sector, while local small construction companies and in particular young Mozambican workers have been excluded.
Província de Maputo, Mozambique
Província de Gaza, Mozambique
Província de Manica, Mozambique
Project duration
2021 - 2024

The project

The project 'Skills to Build' facilitates a private-public, modular technical skills training and certification for un-/employed, vulnerable youth and existing low-skilled workers and shop owners to create employment opportunities. For this phase (2021-2024), training programmes include masonry, plumbing, sewage, water and sanitation, electricity, painting, tiling, safety, and environment & health, among others.

The project is based on the hypothesis that the development of skills and competencies for employment and self-employment will help young men and women to find better jobs and, therefore, achieve better incomes, therefore contributing to greater economic and social equity in the country.

The project aims to contribute to the structuring of the vocational training system mainly through a training with specific curricula, intended for people who have so far been excluded from the formal education system or for adults in the formal or informal labour market in the construction sector.

By offering quality vocational training through these specialised centres, the sustainability of training will be enabled. The training is carried out through the different vocational training centres who are partners of the project. The practical part takes place partly in the centre itself, and another part on the construction sites or in the facilities that require professional intervention in the area where the young people are trained. The aim is to link technical skills training with the demands and involvement of the private sector to guarantee the relevance of the training, as well as to facilitate real labour insertion.


1. Initial skills development provision for vulnerable youth - The project will target 4,500 vulnerable youth (30% women)

  • Strengthening the capacity of vocational training centres (public / private), through training of trainers, curricula development and exchange of knowledge.
  • Exploring different training modalities such as practical trainings on construction sites, but also flexible teaching schedules and programmes (modular competence-based training allowing progress towards graduation – “no termination without a connection”).

2. Labour market insertion (internships and labour market inclusion, as also entrepreneurship course) 2,430 skilled youth will access to the labour market.

  • Strengthening the capacity of vocational training centres (public / private), through training of trainers, curricula development and exchange of knowledge.
  • Engaging the public and private business sectors
  • Entrepreneurship: support young people to create self-employment options once they finish their professionalisation courses and access to financial services.

3. Competence-based certification for already employed construction workers or workshop owners: 500 unskilled active workers (workshop owners and workers employed by construction companies, thereof 10% women)

  • recognition within selected training centres supervised by ANEP
  • Certification is to formally recognise the work competencies of individuals, regardless of how they have been acquired and whether they have a degree or academic qualifications.

4. Dialogue with public and private stakeholders to increase ownership and anchoring skills training in national TVET framework.

Project partners

  • Federation of Associations of Construction Companies (FME)
  • Contractor Associations of Maputo City and Province
  • National Authority for Professional Education (ANEP)
  • National Youth Council (CNJ)
  • Training Centres - public and private
  • Pedagogical University (UP)
  • Private companies
  • Don Bosco Higher Institute


Phase I: 2017 - 2020

  • 1 150 youth (19% women) completed induction courses in the construction sector, of which 186 young women and men (10% women) became (self-)employed by end of 2020. It is expected that by 2021, 481 (18% women) will have entered the labour market.
  • In addition, the project supported 84 of the above young adults (31% women) to access entrepreneurship courses to become self-employed.
  • Furthermore, 349 employed construction workers (12% women) completed a specialisation course, of which 96 people (4% women) were able to improve their employment conditions and increased their income.

Financing partners

This project is financed by the Medicor Foundation, Happel Foundation, and U.W. Linsi-Stiftung, among other donors. It is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA. 


Initial vocational education and training
Facilitators/Assessors certified for the Recognition of Acquired Skills
On 18 October 2022, a ceremony was held to award 12 Facilitator/Assessor Certificates for the Recognition of Acquired Skills and three institutions were accredited to implement the Recognition of Acquired Skills.
Initial vocational education and training
Dreams exist to come true - Edson's Story
Edson Ricardo Guirrugo, is a 22-year-old resident of the railway district and was trained in plumbing by the Centre for Professional Training in Water and Sanitation in 2020.
Nepal, Mozambique, El Salvador, Guatemala
Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion
Accrediting vocational skills to facilitate labour market integration
Vocational training and continuing education have been among Swisscontact’s main areas of focus for a long time. For such projects, the standard is for acquired skills to be certified so that people have a better chance at finding their way in the job market. In developing countries and emerging economies, many people do have the requisite vocational skills, but they do not have a document attesting to this experience. Swisscontact is engaged in various projects and initiatives for the accreditation and certification of vocational skills.

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