
Swisscontact has been working in Honduras since 1996, focusing on sustainable agriculture, market-based value chains, technical vocational training linked to labour markets and entrepreneurship, local economic development and tourism. Over the years, Swisscontact has become a facilitator between actors of the private, public and civil society sectors, with the aim of joining forces to achieve sustainable, inclusive, economic, social and environmental development in Honduras. Swisscontact has expanded its areas of intervention to high-impact issues such as the creation of opportunities in the labour market and entrepreneurship for young people in Honduras, and the facilitation and promotion of international trade of a sustainable and inclusive exportable supply. In order to contribute to sustainable and widespread prosperity, Swisscontact continues to create opportunities in Honduras through the implementation of development projects.

facts and figures

  • Area: 112,492 km²
  • Population: 9,580,000
  • Capital: Tegucigalpa M.D.C.

Swisscontact in Honduras

  • since 1996


2018 - 2023
Initial vocational education and training, Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Professional training for young people (Projoven)
The population of Honduras suffers from poverty, violence, corruption and unemployment. According to the National Statistics Institute of Honduras (INE), the unemployment rate is slightly over 7%; however, if the under-employment rate is added to this, it surpasses 40%, with young people comprising the largest group of unemployed. Furthermore, this...
2017 - 2021
Most producers in the Departments of El Paraíso, Valle and Choluteca do not manage to make their businesses successful, due principally to exploitation, inadequate harvesting practices and poor knowledge of the market. Fino de aroma cocoa is an alternative crop for coffee growers in El Paraiso, where 51,200 hectares of coffee plantations supply...
2021 - 2024
Inclusive Coffee: Promoting sustainable markets
The project seeks to reduce the existing inequalities in the sustainable coffee value chain in order to create more resilient livelihoods for smallholder sustainable coffee farmers.
2017 - 2022
Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Sustainable tourism
Rural Market Opportunities in the Gulf of Fonseca
The Dry Corridor is one of the most impoverished and economically depressed areas of Honduras. Here, 65% of households live below the poverty line, while 48% are extremely poor and experience high rates of malnutrition and other negative social consequences. Commercial agriculture for export is the main source of seasonal jobs for poor people,...


Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Continuing Vocational Education and Training, Initial vocational education and training, Sustainable agriculture
Rural Market Opportunities: a project that impacted more than 7500 women, youth and men in the Gulf of Fonseca region
In its five years of implementation, the project Rural Market Opportunities in the Gulf of Fonseca impacted the lives of more than 7500 women, youth and men in Honduras. 
Sustainable agriculture, Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Agricultural technologies to reduce the workload of female cashew farmers
Swisscontact studied gender gaps in the cashew value chain in Honduras in order to empower women in agriculture and improve their livelihoods. Thanks to the introduction of new technologies, 60 female cashew farmers in the south of the country were able to reduce their heavy workload tending to their plots and make better use of their time.
Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Nicaragua
Continuing Vocational Education and Training, Labour market insertion, Initial vocational education and training
Skills Development in Latin America
Through lifelong learning, based on a high-quality education and training system, it is possible to access the world of work, mitigating youth unemployment and contributing to stability in fragile contexts such as in Latin America. Watch the video to learn more.
Country Director Swisscontact in Honduras
Liliana Sánchez


In order to achieve resilient livelihoods for people, as well as for companies and for the general economy of Honduras, Swisscontact aligns its actions with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These include eradicating poverty, gender equality, decent work and economic growth, responsible consumption and production, and forming partnerships to achieve these goals. To this aim, Swisscontact executes projects sponsored by private and public donors (SDC, European Union, Government of Honduras, among others). 

To achieve the greatest possible impact from the interventions, the projects incorporate scalability (use in other regions), focus on associations (organisations, field schools for agriculture, etc.) and the use of result-based methodologies (logical framework, results chain, monitoring systems, etc.). The experience in Honduras has shown that the path to resilience is linked to the creation of productive jobs and the generation of income. 

Latin America Regional Report 2021
In 2021, Swisscontact Latin America continued to strengthen synergies with the private and public sectors with the aim of achieving more equal, inclusive and resilient societies that are able to meet the challenges and difficulties facing the region.

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Swisscontact Honduras
Col. Lomas del Guijarro, Calzada Llama del Bosque Casa #602
Subida al Instituto Sagrado Corazòn, Frente a la Alianza Francesa