
The primary thrust of Benin’s economic policy is to achieve a sufficient level of economic growth to be able to decrease poverty significantly. This includes broader economic diversification through the development of multiple structured value chains and incorporating agro-industrial processing in application of the principle of supply chain value addition. It also involves more effective management of public spending and more equitable geographic distribution of resources. 


  • Area: 122.622 km2
  • Population: 11,53 million
  • Capital: Porto-Novo

Swisscontact in Bénin

  • since 2002


2021 - 2024
Sustainable agriculture
Beninclusif: dynamic markets for agricultural products
The main goal of the project is to improve living conditions for farmer families through sustainable market support services. The project’s inclusive systems approach focuses on two sectors within the poorly developed agricultural market. During the first phase (2021-2024), the focus will be on fish farming and citrus tree farming, both sectors having high economic potential.

Benin, Bolivia, Cambodia, Kosovo, Laos, Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Senior Expert Contact
Promoting entrepreneurship through expertise - Imparting technical skills through volunteer work Through their services, Senior Expert Contact (SEC) experts provide hands-on, direct support to companies and institutions in their efforts to grow.
2020 - 2024
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Rural Economic Development Support Programme PASDER
The four departments in the northern part of the country (Alibori, Borgou, Atacora and Donga) cover almost three quarters of the country's surface area and are home to just over a third (33.9%) of the population. According to the Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.485, Benin will rank 167th out of 187 countries in 2016. Poverty has increased at...
2018 - 2022
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Economic and market infrastructure development programme PDIEM
The aim of the programme is to contribute to the economic and institutional development of rural areas in the departments of Borgou and Alibori. This improvement in the economic environment will help to increase institutional capacity at local level through tax revenue and improve the living conditions of private operators (producers,...


Sustainable agriculture
Training mango growers in fruit fly control
Most mango orchards in Benin are exposed to attacks by the fruit fly and other insects that destroy mango trees and cause production losses, diminishing commercial success. To avoid these attacks, the PASDeR programme supported the National Federation of Mango Producers (FeNaProM) in organising training on fruit fly control techniques. This training aims to considerably reduce post-production losses in order to improve producers' income.
Sustainable agriculture
Improving the quality of "Gassirè" cheese for the empowerment of Fulani women
The PASDeR programme aims to contribute to a sustainable increase in the productivity of family farms and pastoralists through the promotion of agri-food sectors, including milk and meat. In Benin, milk is still produced in marginal quantity despite its economic and nutritional importance. This is why the Programme supports the umbrella organisations of professional ruminant breeders in the departments of Borgou-Alibori and Atacora-Donga in order to enhance the value of milk products, particularly "Gassirè" cheese, by improving its quality. 
Continuing Vocational Education and Training
New skills for aluminium carpenters
The master craftsmen of Cotonou, Bohicon and Parakou benefit from modular training sessions which aim at strengthening their technical capacity so that they can better supervise their trainees in the workshops. It also helps them to improve the quality of their services. In response to a request from the Professional Organizations of Craftsmen, Swisscontact ensures the financing of their needs in professional development, in production techniques and business management.
Directrice Bénin
Christiane Dehoue

Our approach

To push economic development and fight poverty we are implementing programmes in two specific domains: skills development and enterprise development. 

We apply principles of subsidiarity, an organizing principle that matters ought to be handled by the least centralized and most local competent authority, in addition to sustainability and facilitation of autonomy in project implementation. We are always searching to anchor our interventions in close alignment with the public and private sector actors whom we support and in whom we believe. Our support, along with the help offered by our various implementation partners, must align with the socio-cultural logic and realities of local Beninese communities. This support focuses on the following: 

  • SME development 
  • Development of vocational education and training 
  • Certification and accreditation of vocational training 
  • Organising the supply and demand of training 
  • Labour market integration and youth employment 
Notre approche
Swisscontact est présente au Bénin depuis 2002. Pour favoriser le développement économique et la lutte contre la pauvreté, nous exécutons des programmes dans deux domaines à savoir : le développement des compétences et la promotion des entreprises.  
Domaines d'interventions
Swisscontact Bénin a démarré ses activités en 2002. Elle s'est donnée pour ambition d’accompagner les acteurs publics et privés pour favoriser l’employabilité, l’amélioration des revenus et l’augmentation de la productivité dans le secteur de l'artisanat et de l'agriculture.
The objective of Swisscontact’s work is to open up pathways out of poverty for people in developing countries through broad-based economic development projects.

Motivated and productive employees with initiative constitute the most important success factor in all areas of our work. We count on motivated individuals who are looking to the future, impact- and team-oriented, and want to work in international development cooperation.
2017 - 2019
Initial vocational education and training
Un engagement de longue date en faveur de l’amélioration de la qualité de la Formation Professionnelle au Bénin
Arrivés à terme fin 2019, après respectivement plus de quatre et six années de fonctionnement, il
ne fait nul doute que les projets AFPIJE et PAFPA ont apporté, de par les nombreuses bonnes pratiques et innovations, une réelle valeur ajoutée au système de la formation professionnelle au Bénin en termes de stratégies, afin d’en améliorer sa pertinence, sa qualité et sa performance.
The abilities and readiness for action of our employees are decisive for our projects’ ability to achieve sustainable impact, as well as our long-term success. As an attractive employer, Swisscontact invests in a positive management and work culture. This is defined by our fundamental understanding of development intended to serve not only our beneficiaries in project countries but our employees as well.

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Swisscontact Cotonou

08 BP 1117 Tri Pos­tal Co­to­nou
Quartier Haie-vive
