
Nepal's economy relies heavily on remittance, mostly from unskilled labour migrants, and agriculture which is predominantly subsistence. There are opportunities for Nepal to capitalise on its resource endowments and its young population demographics by promoting commercial agriculture and fostering entrepreneurship across various sectors to create jobs and income opportunities.
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About nepal

Country Facts

  • Area in km2: 147,516
  • Population: 28,609,000
  • Capital: Kathmandu

Swisscontact in Nepal

  • since 1991
  • 5 running projects


2019 - 2024
Malawi, Nepal, Uganda
Sustainable agriculture
Commercial Agriculture for Smallholders and Agribusiness Programme
The project aims to involve smallholder farmer businesses sustainably in agricultural value chains, thereby improving their living conditions and economic situation. By building inclusive agricultural systems, smallholder farmers will have improved access to markets, information, and means of production. Additionally, the project emphasizes...
Initial vocational education and training
Quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training for youth (QualiTY)
The QualiTY project aims to increase the employability of youths through TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) governance by defining its standards, support each sphere of government to implement those standards including strengthening capacity of stakeholders and TVET schools.
2020 - 2024
Sustainable agriculture
Sahaj - Nepal Agricultural Market Development Programme
In 2017, agriculture contributed around 27.04 per cent to Nepal's GDP. Agriculture is a major source of livelihood in the country. However, the agriculture sector is still in a nascent stage as far as technology and modern cultivation methods are concerned. Agriculture mainly engages smallholder farmers who continue to use traditional methods of...
2021 - 2024
Labour market insertion
Step Up – Improving labour market access for unemployed
Nepal faces enormous employment challenges that are exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Difficulties to find gainful employment for the unemployed include lack of information on jobs and business opportunities, appropriate skills and access to networks and support services such as career guidance or counselling. In addition, business support services that provide entrepreneurs with services to start, sustain and improve their businesses are weak or even missing. The project aims to address these deficiencies in the current employment ecosystem and contribute to the Government of Nepal’s efforts to increase job creation and the employability of its labour force.
Benin, Bolivia, Cambodia, Kosovo, Laos, Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Senior Expert Contact
Promoting entrepreneurship through expertise - Imparting technical skills through volunteer work Through their services, Senior Expert Contact (SEC) experts provide hands-on, direct support to companies and institutions in their efforts to grow.


Sustainable agriculture
Director General, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation visits Swisscontact’s project site in Nepal
On 16th October 2022 H.E. Patricia Danzi, the Director General (DG) for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), toured Nepal’s Province 1, visiting two project sites of the Nepal Agricultural Market Development Programme (NAMDP).
Nepal, Mozambique, El Salvador, Guatemala
Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion
Accrediting vocational skills to facilitate labour market integration
Vocational training and continuing education have been among Swisscontact’s main areas of focus for a long time. For such projects, the standard is for acquired skills to be certified so that people have a better chance at finding their way in the job market. In developing countries and emerging economies, many people do have the requisite vocational skills, but they do not have a document attesting to this experience. Swisscontact is engaged in various projects and initiatives for the accreditation and certification of vocational skills.

Swisscontact in Nepal

Swisscontact Nepal focuses on strengthening the competencies of people and improving their employability through upskilling and reskilling, initial vocational education and training, and labour market insertion. We engage with private sector enterprises to increase their competitiveness to achieve impact and scale. We also work towards sustainable agriculture development through commercialisation and agricultural markets development.

Swisscontact Nepal implements projects in a pragmatic way to address complex development challenges, which is participatory, inclusive, and sensitively adapted to local conditions. The approach helps in empowering local actors to develop capabilities and networks to overcome existing barriers. Addressing equal access for women and men, as well as disadvantaged groups, are critical aspects to any initiative we at Swisscontact Nepal do it in all levels. 

Our partners
Swisscontact South Asia has been successfully working with partners below for implementing projects.
Requests for Proposal
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Swisscontact Nepal
Oasis Complex, 4th Floor
211 Madan Marg, Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur, Nepal