
Albania is a middle-income country with high unemployment (14%-22%) and underemployment, particularly among youth (40%), and a large informal sector (>30%) as key challenges. A functional democracy with improved public services and an inclusive, competitive market economy in support of the European integration are among the goals of international cooperation strategies for the country.
About Albania

Country Facts

  • Area: in km2: 28,748
  • Population: 2,845,955
  • Capital: Tirana

Swisscontact in Albania

  • since 1994
  • 6 running projects


2015 - 2023
Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Peru, Serbia, Vietnam
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Swiss Entrepreneurship Program
The heart of any entrepreneurial ecosystem is the community of entrepreneurs themselves. The Swiss Entrepreneurship Program (Swiss EP) has incorporated this belief and supports building local startup communities bottom up by working with ecosystem leaders and builders since 2015. We do this by working with selected startup support organizations...
2022 - 2024
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Kickstart – Business mentoring and access to finance for young micro-entrepreneurs
The project supports young, disadvantaged micro-entrepreneurs to enhance their capacities through business mentoring, e-learning on financial literacy and access to loan, the latter being tailored to their needs and capabilities by partner microfinance institutions.
2020 - 2024
Albanian-Swiss Intellectual Property
The Albanian-Swiss Intellectual Property Project (ALSIP) is a development cooperation project between the Government of Switzerland and the Government of Albania. The objective is to contribute to entrepreneurs, creators, researchers and producers in Albania benefiting from the effective protection of intellectual property objects.
2021 - 2024
Albania, Kosovo
Labour market insertion
Boost Employment: Continued efforts for labour market inclusion in Albania and Kosovo
After the successful 10-year intervention for the employability and economic integration of marginalized and youth groups - based on the “Coaching for Employment” methodology - Boost Employment Project brings Swisscontact’s support to labour market in Albania and Kosovo to another level.
2019 - 2023
Initial vocational education and training, Sustainable tourism
Skills for Jobs (S4J)
‘Skills for Jobs’ (S4J) is a project mandated by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by Swisscontact Albania. It is part of the Economic Development Domain of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy for Albania (2018-2021), with specific focus on promotion of employment opportunities and skills development.


Albania, Kosovo
Labour market insertion
The employability platform launched for job-seekers and job-providers
"MundësiPlot" (Plenty of Opportunities) is an online platform for the employability services provided in the labour market of two countries: Albania and Kosovo. The platform has been launched to the public and is live and accessible since July. 
Empowering Intellectual Property in Albania
The Albanian-Swiss Intellectual Property (ALSIP) Project is facilitating the national General Directorate of Industrial Property (GDIP) in drafting the organizational development strategy and action plan for GDIP’s Training Center. 
Uganda, Guatemala, Cambodia, Rwanda, Albania
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Key Learnings and Recommendations of the Credit Suisse – Swisscontact initiative
What are the key components of successful entrepreneurial ecosystems?

And how do you influence and measure them?In 2018, Swisscontact embarked on a journey with the Credit Suisse Foundation and a group of local partners with the aim of contributing to creating better conditions for opportunity-driven entrepreneurs in developing and emerging economies.
Country Director, Project Director and Team Leader 
C4EE Global Product
Jan van Montfort

Swisscontact in Albania


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Innovation, labour-market oriented training and private sector involvement are at the core of Swisscontact’s interventions in Albania. The goal is to provide more and better economic opportunities and perspectives to all, but especially to young women and men.

Swisscontact’s work in Albania is an essential part of Switzerland’s development strategy in the country.

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The abilities and readiness for action of our employees are decisive for our projects’ ability to achieve sustainable impact, as well as our long-term success. As an attractive employer, Swisscontact invests in a positive management and work culture. This is defined by our fundamental understanding of development intended to serve not only our beneficiaries in project countries but our employees as well.
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1001 Ti­ra­na