
We are facilitating the transfer of know-how between Switzerland and Tunisia, and together with our partners we are developing innovative and customised solutions. Our projects focus on strengthening good governance in the transition to democracy, in particular broadening diversity through and promoting public-private partnerships.


  • Surface: 163 610 km2
  • Population: 11.7 millions
  • Capitale: Tunis

Swisscontact in TunisiA

  • since 1965


2022 - 2026
Switzerland, Tunisia
Labour market insertion
Opportunities for qualified youth in Tunisia with assistance from the Tunisian diaspora
As part of its collaboration with Tunisia, the goal of the programme developed by the Swiss federal government is to bring the Tunisian diaspora on board for sustainable development in Tunisia and promote circular migration of young professionals between Tunisia and other countries in Europe.In addition to the challenges posed by large numbers of...
2021 - 2026
Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion
Takween - a skills development programme in Tunisia 
The purpose of the programme is to make vocational education and training more attractive by instituting a competent and well-known vocational education system offering new opportunities. Bringing the private sector on board will enhance young Tunisians’ employability, integrating them more effectively in the professional world and spurring sustainable economic growth.The Takween programme is being implemented under the auspices of the Tunisian Ministry of Employment and Vocational Education.
2019 - 2023
Sustainable tourism
Destination in South-East Tunisia: new approaches and skills in the tourism sector
The main objective of the project is to contribute to the attractiveness of South-East Tunisia through new approaches and skills for the development of sustainable, diversified and inclusive tourism. This will improve the income and living conditions of the local population. Since the revolution in 2011, 2018 has seen the best tourism result with...
2021 - 2025
Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Colombia, Indonesia, Morocco, North Macedonia, Peru, Serbia, South Africa, Tunisia, Vietnam
Trade, Initial vocational education and training, Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Sustainable tourism
Swiss Import Promotion Programme
The Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) is a well-established mandate of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) within the framework of its economic development cooperation. As for the new investment phase (2017-2020), SIPPO is carried out by Swisscontact.The overall objective of the Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) is...
2019 - 2024
Sustainable tourism
Tourism Governance and Marketing
The project contributes to diversifying and improving the competitiveness of Tunisian tourism by encouraging the development of new approaches to local tourism management and new regional tourism brands. Tourism accounts for 14% of national GDP and faces many structural and profound challenges. Tunisian tourism urgently needs reforms and measures...


Let’s explore the opportunities for Sustainability in the Processed Food sector at SIAL 2022!
SIPPO accompanied CEPEX and GICA, its key partner BSOs in processed food export promotion in Tunisia, to SIAL in Paris this October. The main aim was to explore the sustainability aspect and the requirements of buyers and key stakeholders.
Bosnia & Herzegovina, Morocco, South Africa, Tunisia, Vietnam
SIPPO supports companies at SIAL fair in Paris
Five SIPPO country teams from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Morocco, South Africa, Tunisia and Vietnam accompanied Business Support Organisations (BSOs) to SIAL in Paris, the world's leading food trade fair.
Initial vocational education and training
Project case study North Africa: Prospects for the labour market
Tunisia faces great social and economic challenges. Its economy is weak and there is persistently high youth unemployment. A further problem is that those seeking jobs do not have the requisite skills to satisfy the demands of the labour market. The project promotes practical, hands-on vocational education and training and young people’s integration into the labour market.
Yves Matthijs

Our Interventions

Initial vocational education and training, retraining, and labour market integration are central to our activities. This is how we strengthen skills and create the basis for people to earn a decent living and actively participate in society. 

In the field of economic development, we are focusing on five areas with the highest potential for sustainable growth: tourism, trade, business ecosystems, green cities, and sustainable agriculture. We are committed to generating productive jobs, increasing incomes, and promoting well-being that spares natural resources. 

Our employees work each day to implement projects, provide guidance, and organise internships. 

Transition démocratique : la gouvernance comme enjeu global
Le context
La res­source hu­maine est cer­tai­ne­ment au cœur de la Tu­ni­sie de de­main !
Zones d'action
Swisscontact Tunisie conduit des activités dans quinze gouvernorats, avec un fort accent mis sur les régions intérieures du pays : Grand Tunis (bureau principal), Bizerte, Nabeul, Béja, Le Kef, Siliana, Zaghouan, Kairouan, Kasserine, Sidi Bouzid, Mahdia, Sfax, Gabès, Médenine et Tataouine.
Des partenariats solides à tous les niveaux sont indispensables pour que les projets de développement aient le plus d’effet possible. C’est ce que nos soixante ans d’expérience dans la coopération au développement nous ont appris. Et c’est la raison pour laquelle nous collaborons étroitement avec des partenaires locaux, nationaux et internationaux. Nos partenariats se concentrent sur les projets communs qui bénéficient à tous les acteurs, en particulier à la population locale. 

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28, Avenue du Lac Nord
Les Jardins du Lac
1053, Tunis