
Traditionally, Colombia has enjoyed significant economic growth, accompanied by important economic and social stability. Nevertheless, many economic sectors still require greater competitiveness to improve their access to local, national and international markets. In order to contribute to the country's sustainable and inclusive growth, we focus our work on improving competitiveness and internationalisation, particularly in the value chains of cocoa, coffee, natural ingredients, tourism, fruits, among others. We apply a market systems and landscape development approach and facilitate our projects in a multi-stakeholder ecosystem at all levels.

Facts and figures

  • Area: 1,141,748 km²
  • Population: 48,300,000
  • Capital: Bogotá

Swisscontact in Colombia

  • since 2010


2020 - 2022
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Colombian Specialty Cocoa for the Swiss Sustainable Market (Cacao+Sostenible)
The project aims at triggering systemic changes and generate environmental, economic, and social impact in producer families and throughout the value chain by fostering innovations and services to adopt long-term commercial relationships between producers and consumers and to fulfill international sustainability and quality requirements. It...
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Inclusive Border (Frontera Inclusiva)
The Inclusive Border project will support the generation and strengthening of business units for the vulnerable populations linked to the informal sale and distribution of liquid fuel in border areas in the north of Santander.
2017 - 2024
Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Sustainable tourism
Colombia + Competitiva - Strengthening the Competitiveness of the Private Sector
The Programme aims to support Colombia in its systematic efforts to improve the competitiveness of its private sector in the framework of the National System of Competitiveness, Science, Technology and Innovation and its Productive Development Policy.
"Colombia + Competitiva" follows a programmatic and systemic approach with clear ownership of the...
2021 - 2025
Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Colombia, Indonesia, Morocco, North Macedonia, Peru, Serbia, South Africa, Tunisia, Vietnam
Trade, Initial vocational education and training, Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Sustainable tourism
Swiss Import Promotion Programme
The Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) is a well-established mandate of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) within the framework of its economic development cooperation. As for the new investment phase (2017-2020), SIPPO is carried out by Swisscontact.The overall objective of the Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) is...
2021 - 2025
Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru
Green cities
Climate and Clean Air project in Latin American Cities Plus (CALAC+)
The Paris Climate Agreement adopted in December 2015 provides a clear signal from countries towards reducing emissions and build resilience to climate change impacts within the transport sector.Thanks to its management and technical expertise, Switzerland contributes significantly to the transformation of cleaner transport in Latin American cities,...


Sustainable tourism
Sustainable Tourism: Building a better world
24 entrepreneurs from the regions of Guaviare, Magdalena, Quindío, Huila, Putumayo and La Guajira took part in the webinar on Criteria for the Sustainability of Destinations and Industry in the tourism sector delivered by the GSTC Global Sustainable Tourism Council Training Programme.
Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Nicaragua
Continuing Vocational Education and Training, Labour market insertion, Initial vocational education and training
Skills Development in Latin America
Through lifelong learning, based on a high-quality education and training system, it is possible to access the world of work, mitigating youth unemployment and contributing to stability in fragile contexts such as in Latin America. Watch the video to learn more.
Trade, Continuing Vocational Education and Training, Sustainable agriculture
Making the Colombian specialty coffee sector more sustainable and inclusive
The Colombia más Competitiva programme hopes to improve the exportable offer and the sustainable and inclusive production practices in the value chain of Colombian Specialty Coffee.
Directora Colombia
Amalia Vásquez

Swisscontact in Colombia

Swisscontact has been working in Colombia since 2010. We have implemented programs and projects aimed at inclusive economic, social and environmental development, through the following lines of work: 

  • Competitiveness 
  • Internationalisation 
  • Improvement of housing conditions in informal settlements 
  • Strengthening of value chains (specialty cacao, sustainable tourism, natural ingredients for cosmetics, sustainable construction) 
  • Opportunities for the vulnerable population (demobilised population) 
  • Energy efficiency 

In recent years, Swisscontact has established a solid network of public and private partners and a strong coordination with different international cooperation organizations. Based on this, we have implemented interventions at different levels: from public policies for innovation, competitiveness and quality of the capacity development system; to supporting value chains at the subnational level and improving the quality of life of the population at risk. 

Latin America Regional Report 2021
In 2021, Swisscontact Latin America continued to strengthen synergies with the private and public sectors with the aim of achieving more equal, inclusive and resilient societies that are able to meet the challenges and difficulties facing the region.

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Swisscontact Colombia
Dirección: Carrera 48 # 93-51 (Barrio La Castellana)