The ProJoven programme (2013-2022) focuses on improving access to employment for young men and women between the ages of 18 and 30, who are in conditions of social vulnerability, who generally live in neighbourhoods or rural areas with a high incidence of poverty and have poor public services; in general, they have little schooling, suffer from social or gender discrimination and/or have left the formal education system for various reasons.
The third programme phase focuses on institutionalising the best practices developed in the previous to increase the relevance and sustainability of professional training processes and help achieve the positive development of youth in Honduras.
In 2022, ProJoven launches phase III, which takes advantage of the accumulated experience of technical and vocational training, job placement, and entrepreneurship (lessons learned and tools) from its previous phases to develop a systemic approach. It aims to improve the effectiveness and coverage of the Technical and Vocational Training System for young people in vulnerable situations by means of quality technical training that promotes access to the labour market and the positive development of youth.
The programme supports political dialogue, alignment of VET programmes with productive development policies, creation of relevant information for the continuous improvement of institutions and knowledge generation, as well as the development of evidence and experience-based methodologies and teaching approaches, which are constantly monitored to evaluate their effectiveness.
The programme proposes short-term goals with a focus on labor, social and gender inclusion: