Edson works as a plumber at Manguêzi (a company in Mozambique providing electricity, water and gas services). His salary covers his living costs and basic needs. He also invests in buying tools for the extra work he does in his spare time together with his friend Lacy Manganhela.
One day, a friend and student at the Centre for Professional Training in Water and Sanitation (O Centro de Formação Profissional de Água e Saneamento, CFPAS) heard about the competition for training scholarships offered by Swisscontact. Edson decided to embrace the opportunity and fulfil his dream. Once he completed the technical training, he found a job at the local water supply company Armandinho Água, where he worked for eight months. Later, he was hired by the company Maguêzi, where he has been working for just over a year. In this role, he provides plumbing services for Água da Região Metropolitana de Maputo (AdRMM).
This project is financed by the Medicor Foundation, Happel Foundation, and U.W. Linsi-Stiftung, among other donors. It is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA.