Facilitators/Assessors certified for the Recognition of Acquired Skills

Initial vocational education and training
On 18 October 2022, a ceremony was held to award 12 Facilitator/Assessor Certificates for the Recognition of Acquired Skills and three institutions were accredited to implement the Recognition of Acquired Skills.

Present were the Director of the National Authority for Vocational Education, Mr. Boaventura Nuvunga, who presided over the ceremony, the National Director of Qualifications for Vocational Education Mrs. Ida Alvarinho, Director of Swisscontact Mrs. Regula Chavez-Malgiaritta, the Directors of the Training Centres (IFPELAC and CFPAS) and Institutes (IICAEG and IIC Matola), the collaborators of ANEP and Swisscontact, all the trainers who would receive the certification.

In this ceremony, 12 trainers were given Facilitator/Assessor certificates for the Recognition of Acquired Skills: five trainers from the Professional Training Centre for Water and Sanitation; five from the Industrial Institute of Computing Armando Emílio Guebuza and two from the Alberto Cassimo Professional Training and Labour Studies Institute. Three institutions were accredited to implement the Recognition of Acquired Skills: The Professional Training Centre for Water and Sanitation - CFPAS, the Industrial Institute of Computing Armando Emílio Guebuza - IICAEG and the Institute of Professional Training and Labour Studies Alberto Cassimo - IFEPELAC Machava.

The training lasted three weeks and was guided by the Technicians from the National Authority for Vocational Education and Swisscontact. The aim of the training was to develop the trainers’ psycho-pedagogical skills to offer competence-based assessments that they are able to guarantee quality training oriented to the productive sector.

On the occasion of the ceremony, the Director of ANEP, Mr. Boaventura Nuvunga, explained that the System of Recognition of Acquired Skills arises to face the need of recognition of skills acquired by citizens throughout their lives without any certification, particularly through their professional experience.

He stressed that the Certification of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as Facilitators/Evaluators and the Accreditation of RPL Centres are not an end in themselves. It is now urgent that the Accredited Centres, anchored in their RPL Facilitators/Evaluators, commit themselves and launch RPL campaigns as soon as possible in the areas and benchmarks for which they are accredited, following the Methodological Guidelines for the Implementation of the RPL, as set out in Article 12 of the System of Recognition of Acquired Skills Regulation. He informed that ANEP, relying on its partners, the expansion of the System of Recognition of Acquired Skills will continue to be a priority, and thus training activities for facilitators/assessors of RPL in other regions of the country are planned.

Following this, the Director of Swisscontact in Mozambique, Mrs. Regula Chávez-Malgiaritta, explained that this training session followed on from the solidification of the Recognition of Acquired Skills process which began in 2021, with the development of the Qualification of the RPL Facilitator and Evaluator having been set as a priority for this year. The elaboration of Methodological Guidelines for the implementation of the RPL and the implementation of a cycle of RPL for the society and/or interested professionals, having been concluded successfully, two actions, missing now the last action, regarding the implementation of the cycle of RPL for the society. For this purpose, there is a collaboration with the three accredited Centres for the offer to the community of three references: Plumbing Networks, Installing Electricity and Welding.  

She highlighted the role of the five teams of trainers, Mr. Leopoldo Santos, Mr. Paulo Cuna, Mr. Abilio Cossa, Mr. Halénio Nuaila and Mr. Jorge Chávez for the dedication and professionalism with which they delivered the training and thanked all the collaboration and partnership that has been building with ANEP, under the leadership of Mrs. Ida Alvarinho and her team for the RPL. She congratulated the facilitators / evaluators and directors for the accreditation of their centres and wished them success.

Trainer Nelson Macandza, Certified RPL Facilitator and Assessor, representing his trainer colleagues, said “I attended this training for the objectives of RPL, to reduce the barriers in public tenders of technicians without certificates, the non-valuation and recognition of their skills by contractors, while they have the skills or abilities to provide quality services". He sayed that, his institution was already preparing to offer the assessment in welding, a fact that makes him happy to be able to provide the community with the opportunity to move from the informal to the formal sector. Finally, he thanked the opportunity to participate in the training as Facilitator and Assessor and praised the great help that Swisscontact has given to the Centres in various aspects, training and laboratory equipment.

This project is financed by the Medicor Foundation, Happel Foundation, and U.W. Linsi-Stiftung, among other donors. It is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA. 

2021 - 2024
Continuing Vocational Education and Training, Labour market insertion
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