Myanmar-Swiss Intellectual Property Project (MYSIPP) 

MYSIPP is a project funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) to contribute to the establishment of an IP system in Myanmar, which is an essential component to create favourable conditions for sustainable trade. 
Yangon, Myanmar
Project duration
2020 - 2022
Financed by
  • State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO

After opening up to the world for trade and investment, Myanmar has gained interest for both private sector investment and development cooperation by several international NGOs, UN agencies, and public development agencies of donor countries. The Myanmar parliament passed a set of Intellectual Property (IP) Laws before May 2019, which included the Copyright Law, Trademark Law, Industrial Design Law and Patent law. 

While these four laws have been approved and passed, they will not be in force until their respective implementing regulations are passed. Enforcing Intellectual Property (IP) laws will send a message to international investors as a promising step that will encourage further growth in various sectors such as retail trading, technology and manufacturing sectors of Myanmar.  

The project

The MYSIPP provides technical support to priority areas that have been defined by the Myanmar Intellectual Property Office (IPO); which include legal support, support to IP office management, strengthening of IP education and awareness on geographical indications. The project is implemented by the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, in close cooperation with the Myanmar Intellectual Property Office.  

As a local project administrator, Swisscontact provides support to the MYSIPP with financial administration, contracting, as well as general support with activity implementation, the monitoring of project work and programme related activities. 

Project goals

  • The Myanmar IPO is aware of the Swiss/European perspective on the concerned Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and is able to take a decision whether or not to consider legal comments in the finalisation of its own legal texts.
  • The Myanmar IPO is able to manage financial and human resource operations, has a communication strategy, outreach material and tools, and can conduct awareness raising events.
  • The Myanmar IPO is aware of the conditions and advantages of the most important international treaties.
  • The IP education at Yangon University as well as at other national universities is strengthened and an essential contribution to the setup of an “IP Academy” is provided.
  • Producers or Ywa Ngan coffee are aware of the advantages and limitations of Geographical Indications (GIs) as well as other possible IPRs (e.g. collective trademark), know the steps and requirements of registration (nationally and internationally) and are in the position to take an informed decision whether or not to register Ywa Ngan coffee as a GI.

Project partners

  • Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property – IPI
  • Embassy of Switzerland in Myanmar


Expected results 

  • Legal comments to the implementing regulations on up to three legal texts (Copyright, Patents, and Industrial Designs) will be provided to the IP department. 
  • Specific training on financial management and human resource management provided to IP department. 
  • Yangon university will be provided with:
    - Technical assistance to improve the undergraduate IP curriculum (incl. GIs).
    - Capacity building on IP (incl. GIs) on academic level, Train the Trainers (ToT).
    - Technical assistance to develop learning material on IP (incl. GIs) for Yangon University and other national universities.
  • Three trainings for Ywa Ngan Coffee producers regarding the added value and scope of protection of GIs nationally and internationally, the Code of Practice, organisational development of the interprofessional body, and the like.