The public-private alliance - a model gradually gaining ground in the agri-food sector

Labour market insertion
36 young people undergoing continuous training at the El Alia vocational training centre for agriculture, one of the 40 centres of the Agency for Extension and Vocational Training (AVFA), signed an employment contract on 5 May 2022 with Flor'Alia, a subsidiary of the SanLucar Group in the governorate of Bizerte in the North East of Tunisia. The ceremony took place in the presence of the ministers in charge of agriculture and vocational training respectively, the representative of the Swiss embassy, and senior officials of SanLucar.

This first round of recruitment is part of an agreement between the El Alia Centre and Flor'Alia, one of the world leaders in the production of red fruit for export, whose recruitment needs in the context of its expansion policy are estimated at 200 people per year. 

The aim of the agreement is manifold: 

  • to enable the trainees to improve their practical skills through immersion in the real production conditions of the Flor'Alia company, 
  • which allows the company to have qualified personnel, initiated into its production processes and methods and, therefore, immediately operational, 
  • but also to enable the El Alia centre to strengthen its openness to its professional environment.

This mutually beneficial public-private partnership model was identified and developed in consultation with the parties concerned within the framework of the project "Practical training in agricultural training centres", one of the mechanisms of the Takween programme, implemented by Swisscontact under the aegis of the Tunisian Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training, and financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

This model of public-private partnership has already proven useful, as shown by the recruitment of graduates from the Zerkine Centre (Gabes) by the Cinquième Saison, a pioneering subsidiary of the SanLucar Group.

2013 - 2021
Initial vocational education and training
The Vocational Training Support Programme
The program financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by Swisscontact with the Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment (MVTE) aims to improve the employability of young people and the attractiveness of vocational training (VT). Started in June 2013, it brings together the main public VT providers, as...