Sustainable Tourism Destination Development

Tourism is an important part of the Indonesian economy and a significant source of employment and foreign exchange earnings.

Recognizing the potential of tourism as driver for economic development and inclusive growth, since 2009, the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) has actively supported the Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy Republic of Indonesia (MoTCE) to strengthen the competitiveness of selected tourism destinations.

Project duration
2018 - 2022
Financed by
  • State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO

The project

The SUSTOUR project is part of the overall Sustainable Tourism Development in Indonesia (STDI) Program of SECO, led by both SECO and the MoTCE. The Program focuses to develop a sustainable and inclusive expansion of tourism in Indonesia.

SUSTOUR aims to increase employment and income opportunities for the local population through inclusive and sustainable economic growth in two targeted destinations, namely in Wakatobi and the western part of Flores (Labuan Bajo).

Expected Results

  1. Policy Framework
    Aim: The policy framework in target destinations is more conducive for the growth of sustainable tourism.
    • The national vision for sustainable tourism is operationalized on the local level
    • Evidence based tools and products related to sustainable tourism anchored in Wakatobi and western part of Flores
    • The monitoring and reporting capacity of Sustainable Tourism Observatories for Wakatobi and Labuan Bajo/ Flores are enhanced
    • Effective processes and mechanisms related to sustainable tourism planning, integrating the private sector, are in place
    • Local inputs related to sustainable tourism are included in the Integrated Tourism Master Plan (ITMP)
  2. Sustainable Tourism Products & Services
    Aim: The demand for sustainable tourism products and services in the target destinations has increased
    • The private sector is supported to offer new and/or improved sustainable tourism products for visitors
    • The market for advisory services for tourism businesses in sustainable tourism promoted
    • Vocational tourism schools (SMKs) integrate sustainable tourism in their teaching-learning process and school operation

Results 2020 - 2021

Policy Framework:

  1. The districts of Wakatobi and West Manggarai (Labuan Bajo) developed their mid-term development plans, reflecting a vision of sustainable tourism.
  2. 6 destination assessment tools were developed and completed, such as the visitor exit survey and the local satisfaction survey, the sustainable destination self-assessment and performance assessment tools for the hospitality industry and local communities.
  3. Dedicated lecturers were trained in the application of various assessment and monitoring instruments, including a sustainable tourism destination training.
  4. The local governments developed and implemented several yearly programs/ action plans on specific topics of sustainable tourism.
  5. Local inputs related to sustainable tourism have been developed through a series of meetings with local stakeholders.

Sustainable Tourism products and Services:

  1. 3 international/ national Destination Management Companies and Tour Operators developed more sustainability-oriented business arrangements with local communities.
  2. In a pivot to facilitate a transformation of local MSMEs (producers) into reliable suppliers to the industry, 3 craft MSMEs in Wakatobi and 16 craft MSMEs in Labuan Bajo were facilitated through assessment, training, coaching, quality standardization, and user-friendly mobile production management tools to produce and align their product offer to market needs.
  3. In collaboration with 4 national and local Training and Consultancy partners, 4 new advisory service products in the field of sustainable tourism were developed. 50 trainers/coaches (30 male/ 20 female) were trained in the implementation and have joined the expert pools of the Training and Consultancy providers.
  4. To strengthen future graduates to be qualified to meet modern industry demands, SUSTOUR has supported the implementation of the concept of "Link & Match" between vocational tourism high schools and the hospitality industry.
  5. 42 vocational tourism high schools teachers from 7 schools in Flores and Wakatobi were trained through a teacher training program at campus and industry.
Learn more about the project in the frequently published newsletters in English and Bahasa.


Sustainable tourism
SUSTOUR & STED: strengthened competitiveness and resilience in tourism
Tourism is a key factor for the Indonesian economy and the creation of jobs, but it has been strongly undermined by the COVID-19 pandemic. With Sustainable Tourism Destination Development (SUSTOUR) and Sustainable Tourism Education Development Project (STED), Swisscontact is strengthening the resilience and competitiveness of select tourism destinations in Indonesia.
Morocco, Indonesia
Sustainable tourism
Resilience in tourism 
The COVID-19 pandemic brought tourism worldwide to a standstill. What are the factors that help to increase resilience in this sector? Sustainability in tourism means not only implementing an environmental project or drawing up a green business plan. Sustainability in tourism is much more about linking tourism development with approaches to renovate the sector from the ground up. This in turn makes regional economies and tourist destinations more resistant to economic adversity.
Sustainable tourism, Labour market insertion
Go DIGITAL! Women Digipreneurs of Wakatobi and Flores
The Sustainable Tourism Destination Development (SUSTOUR) Project aims to foster inclusive and sustainable tourism development in the destinations of Flores and Wakatobi to strengthen their long-term competitiveness. SUSTOUR is implemented by Swisscontact financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and led jointly in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia.