Inclusive Markets in Bolivia

The main objective of the Inclusive Markets project is to improve the living conditions of the target population by helping to reduce their poverty situation. The target group is men and women in family production units engaged in agricultural or livestock activities (with a focus on women and youth). These families are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and food insecurity and are located in the Altiplano and Interandean valleys.
La Paz Altiplano, Bolivia
La Paz Valles, Bolivia
Potosí, bolivia
Oruro, Bolivia
Project duration
2017 - 2025
Financed by
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
  • Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

The project

In order for the expected outcomes to achieve sustainability, scale and impact, it incorporates several work approaches:

  • Inclusive Market Systems Development Approach,
  • Poverty Multidimensionality Approach,
  • Gender and Development Approach,
  • Territorial Development Approach.

The main lines of work are expressed in five components that constitute, in turn, the systemic effects of the project:

  • Development and access to product markets (both domestic and for export)
    The implementation strategy for this component focuses on strengthening the capacities of key actors (producers, companies, traders and others) in order to develop quick trading circuits, productive and commercial coordination and to promote high nutritional food consumption. We work to have access to national markets as well export markets.
  • Development and access to service, supplies and technologies markets
    Aimed at the development of business models (private providers) and management models (public providers), which facilitate and streamline access to inputs, technologies and information services, as well as advice and technical assistance, for the target population in places where these are inadequate or non-existent.
  • Development and access to markets for financial products and services
    The main focus of this component is focused on getting access to financing under adequate conditions as well as financial education and risk management that stem from the development and / or dissemination of insurance and micro insurance products. Under this component, the project manages a reimbursable fund to promote innovations in financial products and services, through the PROFIN partner.
  • Favourable socio-economic environment
    This component cross-cuts all other components of the project and facilitates the implementation of services that develop skills and abilities in public officials, promotes territorial development processes, facilitates public-private partnerships and promotes public and / or private initiatives that seek to improve the effective exercise of economic, social and political rights, with special emphasis on women. Within the framework of this component, the project works with the Political Dialogue that facilitates the relationship with the most important state entities.
  • Empowering women
    The empowerment of women is a central element of the project, which cross-cuts the other components and is a component in itself as well. It is aimed at strengthening the abilities and skills of women in different areas (techniques, management, leadership, etc.), facilitating services and technologies that contribute to reducing the workload of women, coordinating with specialized entities and institutions to facilitate access to information and services on different topics related to the performance of women such as health, family planning, violence, etc., and the promoting awareness and training processes in the areas of economy and gender equality.

In management support, two areas are of utmost importance:

  • communication and
  • knowledge management as well as monitoring and evaluation, both of which are applied across the entire implementation process of the project.

In order to identify the concrete actions that the project has defined, initially a research and analysis process were carried out in the selected territories to ascertain the multidimensional poverty situation of rural families and the situation of women in terms of gender relations. At the same time, we analysed the income sources of the rural families which allowed us to validate and / or modify the importance of the chosen productive items and to deepen the analysis of the specific market systems for the following items: potato, broad bean, peach and other fruit trees, tomato, onion, carrot and other vegetables, quinoa and dairy products (including fodder). We also analyzed products, actors and export opportunities for various products (quinoa, beans, cañahua, asaí, tarwi, camu camu, among others).

As a result, 16 municipalities with high and medium levels of vulnerability in terms of food insecurity were prioritized in the departments of La Paz, Oruro and Potosí, and there are proposals to implement the five components of the project that contribute to the reduction of poverty.

Project objectives

The main effect indicators for the project are:

  • Increase in real net income of the productive family units,
  • Increase the resilience of the productive family units with regards to climate change,
  • Improvement of working conditions (employment and / or self-employment) of men and women, reducing their social vulnerability,
  • Contribution to greater empowerment of women and
  • Improvement of participatory public management.


  • Fundación PROFIN
  • Fundación PROINPA, RIMISP y Fundación PLAGBOL

Expected results

  • 10,536 family farming households have increased their net income,
  • more than 20,000 men and women have improved their self-employment,
  • 8,661 producer families have improved their climate change adaptation strategies (measures),
  • 6,061 women have developed capacities and improved conditions that enable their empowerment in the prioritised regions and 1,179 women in other regions.

Project Links


Sustainable agriculture
Research in plant health and microbiology, development of bio-inputs and agricultural innovation networks key to agro-ecological intensification
The Swedish Ambassador to Bolivia, Mr. Nicolas Weeks, recently visited the facilities of the PROINPA Foundation in Cochabamba with the aim of getting to know the technical and scientific core of one of the main partners of the Inclusive Markets project of the Swedish-Swiss development cooperation in Bolivia. The Ambassador expressed his satisfaction that the project develops scientifically based solutions in several of the production complexes prioritised for food security and sovereignty in the country.
Sustainable agriculture
Quinoa products from the Andes exported to more than 22 countries around the world
A delegation of representatives of Switzerland recently visited the company Andean Valley in the city of El Alto. The Swiss delegation was pleasantly surprised by the innovations driven by the exports of the Royal Quinoa variety "Quinoa Real". After 25 years of persevering in its industrialisation, the manager of the supplying company Andean Valley states that the entire export process begins in family farming in the southern High Plateau of the Bolivian Andes.
Sustainable agriculture
Technological innovations created by women to achieve greater equity and resilience
Three women take the technological lead in Bolivia to reduce gender inequality and increase resilience to climate change in the small-scale agricultural sector, the main source of self-employment and income generation for women; as well as food supply for the population.