Improving Small Package E-Trade for SMEs

Improving Small Package E-Trade for SMEs (SeT4SME) is a two-year project (2021-2023) for Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation, implemented by Swisscontact in partnership with the Ministry of Commerce (MoC). This project aims to support Cambodia in improving its trade performance and driving inclusive growth in the country by enhancing trade facilitation implementation with more transparency in trade practices and reduced time and cost of cross-border e-trade.
Phnom Penh
Project duration
2021 - 2023

Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation

More on the project

The Project

Workstream 1: Institutional Capacity Support for Electronic Advanced Data (EAD) Implementation
This workstream aims to develop a fully operational EAD by interfacing and integration of GDCE's ASYCUDAWorld and Cambodia Post's CDS. The workstream features complementary interventions such as awareness-raising, capacity development, and PR support, etc. before and after the deployment of EAD. This workstream also envisages the coordination and capacity development support to the Cambodia Post for expanding strategic partnerships with other operators to enhance its mail and logistics capacity for the small package delivery.

Workstream 2: e-Trade Portal Development and Promotion
This workstream aims to enhance Cambodian SMEs' presence online and their engagement in cross-border e-trade, particularly the exports of their products in small packages, taking full advantage of the enhanced postal logistic capacity and expedited customs clearance procedures of postal items supported under Workstream 1.  It also aims to create ‘champions’ and ‘early adopters’ of cross-border e-commerce among SMEs through collaborative activities with SME associations including CWEA, FASMEC, YEAC, etc. This workstream support is expected to enable SMEs to take full advantage of the technologies and the e-trade portal – to be established under this workstream. The project will build up needed capacity of CWEA to become a one-stop service providers providing trade-related information and cross-border e-commerce portal solution to their members and enable them to scale up the service to benefit other Cambodian SMEs.  


The objective of the project, Improving Small Package e-Trade for SMEs (SeT4SME), is two folds;

  1. Contribute to Cambodia's undertaking of digital trade facilitation to enhance the enabling environment for cross-border trade and progress its commitment under World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (WTO TFA), specifically Art. 7.1 on Pre-Arrival Processing and Art. 8.2 on Border Agency Cooperation – both of which are under Category C, which implies the need for technical assistance. It also contributes to further enhancing Risk Management which are currently Category A measures.
  2. Strengthen Cambodia’s e-Trade environment for SMEs, by establishing an e-trade portal and helping Cambodia’s SMEs take full advantage of an improved customs clearance process of postal shipments and postal service, resulting in time and cost reductions for their small package exports and imports. This support coincides with the recent efforts of the Royal Government of Cambodia to strengthen the engagement of SMEs in cross-border trade, as highlighted in Cambodia's Trade and Integration Strategy Update (CTISU) 2019-2023. Chapter 2 of CTISU calls on the private sector to ‘identify export skills needs of Cambodian SMEs in such areas as market research, export marketing strategy, sales development, use of electronic markets, use of social media, etc.’ and then implement training programs on these skills.

Development Plan

  • Raise awareness on EAD
  • Develop and deploy EAD interface
  • Provide relevant training and complementary support on capacity development
  • Capacity development of SMEs
  • Raise awareness on cross border e commerce opportunities and procedures
  • Develop and deploy e-trade portal

Expected Results

  1. SMEs and Women Owned Businesses (WOB) benefit from uninterrupted trade because of EAD compliance.
  2. Time reduced in customs clearance processing in Cambodia for outbound small packages.
  3. Contributing to enhancing the capability of customs for pre-arrival risk processing, potentially leading to a reduction in customs clearance time for inbound small packages.
  4. Allowing for pre-arrival processing of customs information in destination country, potentially speeding up the clearance process in country of destination.
  5. Average time and cost savings for the private sector in Cambodia for export documentary compliance.

Development Impact

SDG 5: Gender Equality
5.b Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
8.3: Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
9.b: Support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities

SDG 17: Global Partnerships
17.11: Significantly increase the exports of developing countries, in particular with a view to doubling the least developed countries’ share of global exports by 2020
17.16: Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development
17.17: Encourage effective partnerships





Silver SPEC (Small Package Exporter Champions) members receive tailored mentor support 
The Improving Small Package e-Trade for SMEs (SeT4SME) project of the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation (the Alliance) and implementing partner Swisscontact successfully organized the tailored match making event to introduce mentors to the Small Package Exporter Champions (SPEC) who went through the silver certification training in August 2022. The event also conducted a certification ceremony presided over by His Excellency Dr. Chhieng Vanmunin, chief executive officer (CEO) of Khmer Enterprise, LCT. Oknha Keo Mom, President of Cambodia Women Entrepreneur Association and Rajiv Pradhan, Country Director of Swisscontact.
Cambodian Trade Delegation to Attend the 10th Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum 2022 in Singapore 
The Improving Small Package E-Trade for SMEs project of the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation, implemented by Swisscontact and ARISE Plus Cambodia implemented by GIZ and funded by the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), were delighted to facilitate the Cambodian Delegation from the Ministry of Commerce (MoC) and the General Department of Customs and Excise (GDCE) to attend the 10th Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum (APTFF), which was held in Singapore from 29th August to 1st September 2022, with a focus on “how trade facilitation should evolve to enhance the resilience of international supply chains in times of pandemic and to better support sustainable economic recovery and development in the Asia-Pacific region”.  
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises receive training to be Silver SPEC Certified
The Improving Small Package e-Trade for SMEs (SeT4SME) project of the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation and implementing partner Swisscontact successfully organized the second workshop of the Small Package Exporter Champions (SPEC) to introduce and train the silver SPEC certified Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.