Rural Skills Development support program in Niger

Swisscontact contributes to the improvement of the living conditions of rural youth in the regions of Dosso and Maradi, by the establishment of a training-system and the integration of trained youths into the labor market.
Niamey, Niger
Project duration
2017 - 2022
Financed by
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

The project

During the first phase of the project, Swisscontact conducted a study that showed that rural youth have little or no training and that they lack the information on training opportunities on existing business and employment opportunities in their region. However, once trained, young people have a real potential for inclusion in rural areas.

With FOPROR Swisscontact and its partners therefore accompany youths in the direction of enabling activities: agriculture, livestock, poultry, auxiliary veterinary, gardening, jobs related to hydraulic, rural mechanical.

Through trainings in line with the needs of their region and through quality support, the project FOPROR allows rapid and sustained integration of young people into the labor market.

Target group of the project: uneducated or unschooled people (boys and girls), aged 12 to 30 years.


End of 2019:

9,843 young people were registered for at least one of the programmes:

- Dual apprenticeship training in four training centres for craftsmen;
- Training centre for integrated agricultural training
- Training for professional perfection
- Initial vocational training
- Training in 17 vocational training centres

of which 5,716 young people (enrolled in 2019) have been certified.

25,612 young people have participated in one of the  programmes since the beginning of the phase (2017) and 15,059 have been certified.

Sites intégrés de formation agricole (SIFA)
Un dispositif de formation agricole de proximité
Sites intégrés de formation agricole (SIFA)
Un espace de formation professionnelle agricole et de production qui valorise les différentes potentialités agro-écologiques spécifiques au terroir dans lequel il est implanté.


Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion
The SIFA (integrated agricultural training sites): an excellent agricultural development tool
Located in the Sahelo-Saharan band, Niger is a landlocked country whose economy is essentially based on agro-sylvo-pastoralism, which combines livestock husbandry on pastures and agriculture on partially wooded land. Agriculture accounts for 40% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product and remains the primary sector for employment. However, due to the climatic and environmental hazards in Niger, this sector is faced with the difficulty of meeting the global supply and demand of employment. This is why, for several years, the development of the agricultural sector has been a central concern for public decision-makers and development partners such as Swisscontact in Niger. 
Sustainable agriculture
Facilitating Access to Markets for Young Agricultural Producers
Young people in Niger face problems of employment and socio-economic integration because vocational training is particularly poorly developed in rural areas. Swisscontact aims to improve the living conditions of rural youth in the regions of Dosso and Maradi by establishing training that meets the needs of the local economies and by integrating trained youth into the labour market.
Effects of establishing an Integrated Agricultural Training Site in Koona, Maradi region
The Integrated Agricultural Training Site (Site Intégré de Formation Agricole, SIFA) of Koona was created in February 2018, thanks to the Rural Skills Development support programme in Niger. Like all the other training sites in the Maradi region, the Koona site is under delegated management by the town hall to a local farmers' organisation called "Kishin-Zucci" (meaning efficiency of work).