DC dVET Donor Comittee for Dual Vocational Education and Training

Vocational Education and Training has always been a main pillar in the implementation of the development policies of Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. In order to make better use of the long standing experiences and expertise of the members, the four countries have founded the Donor Committee for Dual Vocational Education and Training (DC dVET).


The members of the DC dVET are:
the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) - Austria,
the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)* - Germany,
the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) - Switzerland,
the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) - Liechtenstein.

* The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) has an advisory function for the BMZ.


For the coordination and support of the DC dVET, a secretariat has been set up, led by Swisscontact in collaboration with INBAS, KEK-CDC Consultants and L&R Sozialforschung.

Financed by
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
  • Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
  • Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  • Liechtenstein Development Service (LED)

The project

The DC dVET focuses its work on the following areas:

Public Relations: The DC dVET provides a source of information and documentation for a broad audience.

Networking and cooperation: The DC dVET provides a platform for exchange, networking and learning to its members and their partners.

Support for projects and programs: The DC dVET provides thematic support for projects and programs of its member organisations.


Dual Vocational Education and Training (VET) has in recent years gained increased international. The DC dVET members see a chance in this development and would like to highlight the benefits of dual VET as option in development cooperation. The dual VET systems of the four DC dVET member countries serve as a reference and inspiration for the implementation of projects and programs.


Initial vocational education and training, Continuing Vocational Education and Training
Structured student internship programme strengthening in Indonesia
Mobilising companies to participate in structured student internship is still challenging in Indonesia. To gain more insights into what makes engagement in internships difficult, several projects and Indonesian institutions collaborated to survey businesses. One of the main reason for companies not engaging in internships was that the duration and the time of the internship are not aligned with the needs of the industry. An action plan has been created to provide recommendations to policymakers in order to contribute to dual VET strengthening in the country.
Initial vocational education and training
“The Swiss model of dual apprenticeship-based vocational education is an important reference in international development cooperation”
Vocational education and labour market integration of young people in developing countries and emerging economies have always been paramount to Swisscontact, representing core areas in the fight against youth unemployment and poverty. Since 2012, Swisscontact has been working with FoBBIZ (Swiss forum for vocational education and international cooperation) as a co-founder and serving on the board to support mutual exchange and learning between stakeholders in the Swiss vocational education system, as well as in international vocational education development projects, helping in their further development. 
Initial vocational education and training
Webinar Series on dual Vocational Education and Training
The mission of the Donor Committee for dual Vocational Education and Training (DC dVET) is to make even better use of the member’s expertise in this area for the benefit of development cooperation. The committee recently hosted a series of webinars with experts in the field focusing on key questions in dual VET. Swisscontact hosts the DC dVET...