Supporting the creation of Rural Inclusive Sustainable Enterprises in the Morogoro region 

Initial vocational education and training
The Rural Inclusive Sustainable Enterprises project, implemented through Swisscontact’s Skills for Employment Tanzania project, seeks to create green jobs for 400 youth by developing their skills in sustainable entrepreneurship. National and community volunteers will support the initiative and engage with the young people and their community in the periphery of a nature reserve.

Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) project has subcontracted Raleigh Tanzania to implement the Rural Inclusive Sustainable Enterprises (RISE) project. The project aims to create jobs that incorporate the sustainable use of resources and environmental concerns for youth. Raleigh Tanzania, is a youth-driven organisation supporting a global movement of young people to act and has extensive experience delivering sustainable livelihoods programmes, with proven capacity and learning in enterprise development and participatory forest management.

Rehema Bakari, a young mother pitching her business idea 

The RISE project is expected to create jobs that incorporate the sustainable use of resources and environmental concerns for 400 youth (60% female) through relevant skills training confidence and through the creation of local enabling working environments to transform their future and establish their own sustainable enterprises. Training includes how to successfully pitch their business to receive seed funding. It is expected that RISE will reach and engage further 3,000 young people and 4,000 more community members to protect their environment at same time contributing to mitigating the effects of climate change.

"Attending classes as an entrepreneur has changed my life, I understand my business and I am capable of doing financial management to sustain my business, unlike the previous time before the RISE project."
Rehema Bakari, RISE entrepreneur Mkindo community

RISE is implemented at the heart of Mkingu Forest Nature Reserve, one of the largest protected areas within the Eastern Arc Mountains found in the Morogoro region with an estimate of 26,000 ha in size and home of assorted number of unique flora and fauna species. In this area, the majority of young people are conducting business around the Mkingu forest which is not environmentally friendly and they do not have the knowledge of sustainable agriculture. 

Young women and men living in eight communities located on the periphery of the reserve have limited job opportunities, and those that have successfully found jobs are often subjected to low pay and poor working conditions. Limited access to skills and to important agricultural assets such as land and support services, inadequate knowledge of how to access markets and finance, and few opportunities to develop skills, has led to young people destroying the environment through charcoal burning, arbitrary mining and other unsustainable use of resources to make ends meet. RISE addresses these issues not only by working with selected youth but also the wider community.

Nasra, Raleigh Tanzania project officer

"I have learned a lot on sustainable agriculture from Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), which is a local NGO that has partnered with Raleigh Tanzania in implementing the RISE project. I am living in a community that depends on agriculture to sustain its economy. Being able to understand sustainable agriculture will help me and my community to conduct healthy agriculture which is also environmentally friendly."

Young mothers and national volunteers at Mhonda village in Morogoro region
Youth discussing before pitching their business idea

The SET project aims to improve prospects of gainful youth (self-) employment by contributing to better access, relevance and quality of vocational skills development. It works in partnership with various government and private sectors partners in the Morogoro region of Tanzania.

More impressions from the field in these Tweets

2022 - 2026
Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion
Skills for Employment Tanzania

The Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) Project seeks to improve self-employment prospects among the youth through the contribution to improved access, relevance and quality of vocational skills development.
Youth have difficulty finding employment due to limited access to skills training and a mismatch between available skills training and the...