Patricia Danzi, Director General of SDC, visits the Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) project

Ms. Patricia Danzi, Director General of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and Mr. Peter Bieler, Head of Southern and Eastern Division at SDC, visited Tanzania last week. Jointly with the Swiss Ambassador to Tanzania, Mr. Didier Chaussot, they paid visits to selected projects including Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) in Morogoro to talk to beneficiaries and project partners. 

During their short visit to the SET project, they met with young female trainers, who work on gender transformation in the communities and representatives from private sector companies involved in the project. They also visited two organisations involved in skills development in agriculture and agri-business.

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Patricia Danzi, SDC Director General (centre); Didier Chaussot, Swiss Ambassador to Tanzania (right) at Get Aroma Spices

Ms. Danzi, who is an agricultural economist with a personal interest in environmental issues, talked to the numerous youths of the Sokoine University Graduate Entrepreneurs Cooperative (SUGECO). The cooperative is a key implementation partner of SET offering skills to youth and young mothers in various parts of Morogoro region.

In her closing statement at SUGECO, Ms. Danzi stressed that well thought-out skills development packages can contribute to alleviate the challenges experienced by youth to gain income and find employment. She underlined the important links between the private sector, training providers and financial services. Finally, she highlighted the important contribution of farmers throughout the world.

2022 - 2026
Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion
Skills for Employment Tanzania

The Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) Project seeks to improve self-employment prospects among the youth through the contribution to improved access, relevance and quality of vocational skills development.
Youth have difficulty finding employment due to limited access to skills training and a mismatch between available skills training and the...