The ‘Skills for Jobs’ (S4J) project aims to improve the Vocational Skills Development training opportunities for young Albanians and place them in employment. The project focuses on 4 sectors with potential for job creation: Tourism and Hospitality, Construction, Textile, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
As detailed in the manual, S4J project uses various data collection methods; for example, in-house surveys or censuses to determine the number of graduates employed in the labour market. The project team also conducts interviews of beneficiaries or analysis of research results. In order to be able to assess the impact of the project activities, S4J creates before-and-after comparisons between study and control groups. Further methods of data collection include focus group discussions or expert interviews.
S4J reports project results in a variety of ways; for instance, through case studies, individual stories or video documentary. Furthermore, the team uses social media and e-newsletters to report results in order to maximise S4J learnings to its stakeholders and the wider public.
The ‘Skills for Jobs’ (S4J) project is funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by Swisscontact.