E-learning pedagogical skills boost access to vocational training for disadvantaged youth

Continuing Vocational Education and Training
34 master trainers from Technical Training Institutes (TTI) and 40 technical trainers from target Provincial Training Centres (PTC) benefited from e-learning pedagogical skills training, contributing to human resource development in moving towards Industry 4.0.

The Department of Standard and Curriculum (DSC) of the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, in collaboration with the Skills Development Programme (SDP), has conducted the training to build their capacity and improve teaching methods in the context of COVID-19. This also marks the effective efforts of DSC in modernising the TVET system to increase access to training for disadvantaged youth.

As Mrs. Sdoeung Saradaline, a master trainer from Kandal province’s PTC explained, this course provides training on multidisciplinary learning techniques, determining learning outcomes, understanding teaching methods, preparing online lesson plans, conducting questionnaires, and using educational platforms such as Edomo, Google Classroom, Mentimeter, Padlet as well as screen recorders.

"This training enables the participants to clearly understand what online pedagogical equipment to use, what materials to follow up with, and what lessons to include in keeping online classes active. The course responds to the needs of digital teaching and learning in the target provinces for better outcomes."
Mrs. Sdoeung Saradaline, master trainer from Kandal province’s PTC

When schools had to close because of the pandemic, teaching was shifted to e-learning in the country, but online teaching methods and distance learning seemed to be limited. Mr. Hoeun Pheak, IT teacher in Ratanak Kiri province, who participated in the further training programme, said that online teaching is more difficult than face-to-face teaching and that many students find it more challenging than learning in the classroom. 

During the five-day training, Mr. Pheak said he acquired many new and important teaching skills.

"I think this training is very good. Previously, I did not know many teaching platforms. However, when I joined, I learned new teaching methods that ease my way of teaching to students."
Mr. Hoeun Pheak, IT teacher in Ratanak Kiri province
"Although the situation regarding the pandemic has improved, online teaching remains a requirement at the target provincial training centres. This training is part of developing online teaching skills for teachers to be more effective. "
Ms. Sorn Sokna, a teacher at Preah Vihear province's PTC 

Impressed and pleased with the course on e-learning pedagogical skills, the thee trainers commit to sharing the new knowledge with other teachers and staff at their respective training centres to also improve their teaching and the learning outcome of the students. 

The Skills Development Programme is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). It is being implemented by Swisscontact as part of a consortium together with the Institute for Vocational Training, Labour Market and Social Policy (INBAS) and in collaboration with the Cambodian Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MoLVT) along with the Ministry of Tourism (MoT).

2020 - 2024
Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion, Sustainable tourism
Skills Development Programme
The overall goal of the Skills Development Programme (SDP) is for disadvantaged young women and men and low-skilled workers in five rural provinces of Cambodia (Preah Vihear, Stung Treng, Kratie, Mondulkiri and Rattanakiri) to gain access to decent employment and increased income.