Digital tools used in skills development projects in Latin America

Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion, Continuing Vocational Education and Training
In Latin America, Swisscontact has been supporting the development of digital solutions in its skills development projects to facilitate access to training and job opportunities. Youth living in poor rural areas of Guatemala are offered vocational guidance through a web portal. Applications developed in Bolivia support young people and technical professionals in finding suitable training or employment opportunities. In Colombia, the training offer that improves construction practices in informal housing was extended by a virtual platform in 2020. 

A web portal to guide young people in Guatemala on vocational training and job opportunities

The website "My Vocation, My Profession" (in Spanish)

In spring 2021, Swisscontact launched a website to offer vocational guidance to young people in Guatemala, supporting them in their search for a future professional career or technical training. The platform is a tool to promote vocational and professional orientation in a personalised way from anywhere in the country. It allows students to discover their strengths and aptitudes accompanied by a coach. Such initiatives are of great value in a country like Guatemala where access to training is limited for the population. This platform was realised through the Empodera project, which is financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and implemented by Swisscontact.

Bolivia: Apps to find suitable technical training and professional services

High school graduates looking at the app "Discover your vocation".
The Chamba PRO app facilitates interaction between job seekers and employers.

Given the economic situation in many countries in Latin America, it is more important than ever to provide a perspective for young people and create employment opportunities. Swisscontact has been supporting the development of different digital applications through the Professional Technical Training project in Bolivia. Swisscontact has done this for example with two apps that aim to help young people and job seekers integrate into the labour market. The project is financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by a consortium of Swisscontact and FAUTAPO.

Colombia: Virtual training in the construction sector is here to stay

Around 10 million people across Colombia live in poorly built homes. Through the Construya project, Swisscontact supported the National Learning Service SENA, the most important public training institute in the country, to introduce training methodologies and strategies to teach informal construction workers safe building practices.

The Construya project is financed by Hilti Foundation, among other donors. As part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, it is co-financed by SDC.

Together with construction companies, the project developed a high quality and locally adapted training offer that improves construction practices in informal housing. As construction workers had difficulty accessing training during the pandemic, the project upgraded its technical and entrepreneurship training to a virtual platform in 2020. The e-learning introduces key concepts of good construction practices and uses intuitive navigation suitable for any mobile device.