Capacity development of regional-based accounting services providers to support rural SMEs

During October and November 2022, the Rural SMEs Development (RSMED) Project with its partners Enterprise Georgia (EG) and the Georgian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors (GFPAA) provided joint workshops and trainings in different regions of Georgia for enhancing financial knowledge and skills for over 70 accounting service providers (ASPs) to support rural SMEs improve their ability to access finance.
Accounting Services Providers were oriented on the EG programme and trained on how to extend financial advisory services to micro-enterprises in rural areas 

In October Enterprise Georgia was supported to host a workshop event in Tskaltubo Spa Resort with representatives of six selected accounting service providers.  This work supports Enterprise Georgia’s ‘graduation initiative’ – where accounting services providers will support previous grant awardees of the EG Micro and Small Business Support Programme to improve the financial knowledge and skills they need to access commercial financing opportunities.  The training and orientation session focused on develop their skills in providing financial advisory services to micro-enterprises. The ASPs were selected for their capacity and willingness to support micro-enterprises in all regions of Georgia.  Technical assistance was provided by the RSMED project in association with SavvY Consulting.

Representatives of Enterprise Georgia explain the graduation initiative to accounting services providers in Tskaltubo 
The GFPAA trainer addresses Federation members (Kutaisi Session) 

Through October and November, RMSED partner the Georgian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors conducted workshops and trainings for their network of rural based accounting services providers on how to offer financial advisory services.  ASP workshops took place in Telavi, Kutaisi, Batumi, and Zugdidi with some 65 rural ASP representatives participating.

The GFPAA trainer addresses Federation members (Kutaisi Session)
Accounting services providers were trained in how to extend financial modelling and business plan basics, budgeting and management accounting, loan advice, business analytics, and how to advise on crisis management and rehabilitation (Batumi Session)

The GFPAA programme builds the capacity of ASPs to provide financial advisory services which are aligned with rural-based SMEs needs.  This includes areas of financial modelling and business plan basics, budgeting and management accounting, loan advice, business analytics, how to communicate with clients, and how to advise on crisis management and rehabilitation.  The initiative with GFPAA supports ASPs to extend financial advisory services to SMEs in the regions of Georgia, improving their financial knowledge and skills. 

2021 - 2024
Sustainable agriculture, Trade, Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Creating a better business environment for rural small and medium-sized (SME) enterprises in Georgia
The Rural SME Development project aims at creating a better business environment for rural SMEs and entrepreneurs in Georgia.