Café Inclusivo from Honduras at Coffee Expo 2022 in Boston

Sustainable agriculture
With newly acquired knowledge and tools to implement their commercial and export strategies, 18 cooperatives that produce sustainable coffee in Honduras and that are part of Swisscontact’s Inclusive Coffee project will participate in the Coffee Expo, as part of their efforts to generate resilient life means, through the construction of long-term commercial partnerships. 

This week, Boston will become the coffee capital of the world as it hosts the Specialty Coffee Association Coffee Expo. 18 Cooperatives and companies that produce sustainable coffee and that are part of the Inclusive Coffee project- Promoting Sustainable Markets, will take an active role in the tradeshow, alongside project partners: CONACAFE, IHCAFE, AMUCAFE, the Cortés Chamber of Commerce and Honduras Coffee Producer Guilds (APROCAFEH, ANACAFEH, La Central and UNIOCOOP.

The participation of Honduran coffee cooperatives and companies takes place within the frame of the Honduran delegation led by the Honduran Coffee Institute (IHCAFE) who has organized the country pavillion during the trade show, and the Honduras Coffee Showrooms, where buyers and sellers will be able to Exchange experiences with producers  and will learn about the novelties and innovations of each coffee region. Other organizations like Solidaridad and the International Labor Organization will also be presenting their sector initiatives with their partners.

"Cuppers and sourcing managers of North American Coffee companies will be able to enjoy a myriad of options, processes, varieties, and regions that Honduras offers to the international coffee industry. We invite attendees to visit our booth 1117 and enjoy the cupping exchanges in the Café de Honduras showrooms, to discover delicious, sustainable coffees, produced under environmental and social standards, such as the beautiful collection of coffees produced by the hands of women of AMUCAFE (IWCA Honduras)."
noted Karla Calidonio, Promotion Manager of IHCAFE.

Evelyn Moradel, Technical Assistant of the Inclusive Coffee Project shared that, “The companies along the business support organizations that have come to Boston, have participated during several months in trainings that include subjects such as:

·       Export Capacity Diagnosis

·       Export Marketing Plans

·       Market Access requirements

·       Market and Consumer Trends

·       Business Intelligence and Market Selection

·       Social media and communication strategies

·       Prices Risk Management

·       Efective Trade Show Participation

Trade show participation allows companies to go from theory to practice, where they are able to apply the new knowledge and tools in their commercial strategy.”

Participating companies include ARUCO, AGEO, Beneficio San Marcos, CAFEPSA, CAFICO, CAPUCAS, COCAFELOL, COFFEEPLANET, COMSA, COCAOL, COPRANIL, FINCA Cara Sucia, Honduras Coffee Alliance, INLOHER, Spirit Animal Coffee, RAOS, and PROEXO, as well as producers of the IWCA Honduras chapter- AMUCAFE.

"Our organization is in the process of growth and development. Participating in the Coffee Expo represents a learning experience and the investment in the construction of our commercial relations."
Expressed Jimmy Ramírez from CAFEPSA.

Liliana Sánchez Iglesias, Country Director for Swisscontact Honduras highlighted that through Café Inclusivo, we have facilitated articulation spaces for the sector, oriented towards a strategic vision of international commercial promotion of the sector. The participation of producers and coops at the show sends a message to the markets: Honduras is working with dedication and innovation, and this is coming through in the coffees.

Café Inclusivo is part of Swisscontact’s Development Programme and is in part cofinanced by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).  

2021 - 2024
Inclusive Coffee: Promoting sustainable markets
The project seeks to reduce the existing inequalities in the sustainable coffee value chain in order to create more resilient livelihoods for smallholder sustainable coffee farmers.