Formation professionnelle technique en Bolivie (ang.)

The focus of the project places special emphasis on job integration for young people between ages 15 and 24 in the labor market, by focusing on skills development through professional technical training in Technical Technological Institutes and Alternative Education Centers, within the framework of the current public education policy.

Only 73% of the employed population in Bolivia has a secondary level of  education at best, which makes for low levels of productivity and therefore low wages. In the urban area, as well, 1.5 million people between 15 and 45 years old attained a secondary education level at most. In this context, it is vital to work to reduce poverty by promoting the development of skills in young people and adults, and at the same time improve their employment and self-employment opportunities.
Durée du projet
2018 - 2022
Financé par
  • Direction du développement et de la coopération DDC

Le projet

The solutions provided by the project to for this problem are:

  • Coordination with the public and private business sectors to expand the job opportunities for students. Surveys done on technical training show that job insertion for technical training graduates is a "bottleneck", therefore it is necessary not only to streamline the training courses based on the labor demand, but also to participate in the curriculum enhancement and provide internships opportunities and work practices to graduates.
  • Financial and non-financial services for sustainable self-employment will be directed in order to generate models and business plans to ensure that the participants of the centers have the tools and knowledge necessary to start their productive ventures.
  • Strategies to foment student retention and the completion of their educational processes based on identifying alternatives to overcome the main obstacles they face in access to education and the retention of young people and women in Technical Technological Institutes (TTI).
  • The centers will work to provide equipment and supplies to contribute to the quality of training, as well as the necessary support required in updating and qualifying technical teachers according to their needs.
  • Achieve a better coordination at the micro, meso and macro levels. At the local level, for example, development agencies and authorities will be involved to contribute in the design of different curricula according to the different contexts so that young people can achieve internships or work experiences that will guide them in the development of their skills and life projects.
The objective of the Project is to contribute to a greater economic and social equity by improving access to jobs for the vulnerable and poor population, prioritizing sectors that have productive and labor potential.

Partenaire du projet



Achievements until 2021

  • About 12,575 people completed training courses.

This project works in 9 Departments of Bolivia with 76 Technical Centres that offer 175 careers and that provide opportunities for the participants to get employed or be self-employed.

Expected results for 2022

  • 35,000 people participate in quality training and training processes, 70% young people and 50% women.
  • 14,000 people increase their income and employment, 55% women and 65% young people.
  • 50 training centres linked to labour intermediation services (public or private).
  • 64 centres linked to external technical assistance to facilitate entrepreneurship.