Des Compétences pour l'Emploi (S4J) (ang.)

Skills for Jobs (S4J) is a project of Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) and is implemented by Swisscontact. The project is part of the Economic Development and Employment Domain of the Swiss Cooperation and Strategy for Albania, with specific focus on employability. The main goal of ‘Skills for Jobs’ (S4J) project is to offer young people in Albania the best vocational education and training.
Durée du projet
2019 - 2023
Financé par
  • Direction du développement et de la coopération DDC

Le projet

‘Skills for Jobs’ (S4J) was designed to address main Vocational Education and Training (VET) challenges, such as: low quality and status, insufficient financing, weak labour market orientation, and poor private sector engagement. Moreover, there has long been a traditional schooling system with lack of digital and interactive teaching materials, limited digital and pedagogical skills, no virtual learning environment and lack of infrastructure. Thus, the Albanian VET system struggles in meeting market demands for professional skills and in adopting technological innovations.

The project focuses on ensuring systemic change, capacity development and empowerment of key actors. Based on this approach, S4J Phase II supports partner VET providers in Albania in terms of:

  • Employers’ and partners relations,
  • Diversification of VET offer,
  • New Ways of Inclusive Learning and Quality,
  • Work-Based Learning in cooperation with employers, and
  • Organisational Development.

Work-based learning, the use of technology in the classroom, blended and individualized learning, making the VET offer relevant for students, trainings on industry standards and the application of a business mindset in in the management of VET institutions are at the core of ‘Skills for Jobs’ (S4J) implementation.

Ten providers in six selected regions benefit from the project:

During the second phase, two more VET providers will join the project (in the third year). More public providers will benefit from the initiatives that the project has piloted in partner schools during the first phase. The project will focus on creating better training and employment opportunities for Albanian women and men, including special needs groups.

Résultats attendus

  • Improved quality and relevance of the vocational skills development (VSD) so more young women and men are adequately trained for the labour market.
  • Increased participation of the private sector – in quantity and quality – in designing and delivering VSD in selected economy sectors in selected regions of Albania.
  • Facilitated matching between demand and supply in the labour market, focusing on young people.