Promotion de la formation aux compétences recherchées sur le marché(angl.)

The project supports the Governments of Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to improve access, quality and relevance of their respective Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) systems. This addresses the key development challenge of unemployment and underemployment brought about by the low quality of skills provided by the current systems.

Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo, commonly referred to as the Great Lakes region, are historically and geographically linked together and share a number of challenges inherited from a troublesome colonial period. They have in the past faced situations of political instability which have accelerated armed conflicts. The three countries face common challenges albeit not to the same proportion. These range from weak private sectors, shortages in skilled workforce, weak vocational training institutions and training systems, insufficient qualification frameworks and large numbers of unemployed youth.

Kigali, Rwanda
Bukavu, DR Congo
Bujumbura, Burundi
Durée du projet
2012 - 2022
Financé par
  • Direction du développement et de la coopération DDC

Le projet

The PROMOST project is currently in its second implementation phase. It uses a systemic approach and works closely with formal and informal Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sectors and the local rural population to achieve five main outcomes:

  1. Improved access to more equitable and diversified training; 
  2. Improved quality and relevance of the training offered;
  3. Support the development of a Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience (RPL/E) system; 
  4. Support the joint management of local training systems and improved professional placement; and 
  5. Improved access of target beneficiaries to financial and non-financial services.   

The main activities implemented by the project include but are not limited to Training of Trainers (ToT), capacity building of TVET managers and stakeholders, short-term training of the vulnerable rural population, apprenticeship, rehabilitation of the micro-training providers in the informal sector, linkages between the private sector and the TVET providers and proximity support to business development and entrepreneurship for training graduates.

The specific sectors of focus are: carpentry, masonry, welding, food processing, auto and motor mechanics, knitting, bamboo processing, hairdressing, leather production, electricity, photography and videography, tailoring, boat making, plumbing, photovoltaic and soap making.

The project seeks to contribute to improved employment opportunities and income generation for 5,750 youths (40% female) from the rural population in targeted areas in the Great Lakes region. This will be achieved by improving their access to quality and labor market-oriented vocational training.

Partenaire du projet


  • Ministry of Education (MINEDUC)
  • Workforce Development Authority (WDA)
  • Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre in the Western Province in Karongi (IPRC West)
  •  Private Sector Federation (PSF)
  •  Western Province and Local Authorities in all targeted districts

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

  • The Provincial Ministry of Education
  • The Provincial Youth Division
  • World Confederation of Artisans (CMA)
  • Craftsmanship Society (SMA)
  • South Kivu Local Economy Counter (GEL-South Kivu)


  • Craftsmen of Kayanza, Muruta and Matongo communes
  • Local Government Authorities in the concentration zones
  • The Sectorial Chamber of Art and Crafts (CHASAA)
  • The Collective for the Promotion of Youth Associations (CPAJ)


Six public TVET Schools were constructed under PROMOST in the Western province of Rwanda. These schools fully belong to the government and are being managed by their respective districts.

Development of Technical Training Guides

  • Development of Technical Training Guides for modules extracted from the Level 1 and 2 curricula in selected occupations.
  • CBT (competency-based training) curricula developed with the participation of the private sector and were implemented in close collaboration with the training authorities.
  • Curricula developed/adapted for short-term training and the modernised apprenticeship.

Training for trainers and teachers in TVET schools, craftsmen engaged in the apprenticeships, and the administrative and management staff of TVET schools

A regional RPL System developed and piloted in each of the three countries.

Establishment of formal linkages between TVET and the private sector
The establishment of sustainable, permanent links between the private sector and TVET providers is one of the programme’s priorities. This is a crucial aspect for ensuring that training provision is market-oriented.

Creation of stakeholder platforms at local levels (communes in Burundi, districts in Rwanda, a province in DRC) in each of the three countries. These platforms form an important basis to ensure the sustainability of future project activities.

Due to the establishment of new training modalities, PROMOST contributes to the massification of vocational training. In essence, about 10 000 people in the region benefit directly or indirectly, 85% of whom will increased their incomes. Young people become aware of the importance of being self-reliant and qualified; women are able to strengthen their autonomy by diversifying their activities while small entrepreneurs enhance their production and incomes.

Project Journey and Key Achievements 2012 - 2020
PROMOST (Promoting Market-Oriented Skills Training) in the Great Lakes Region is currently in its eighth year of operations in Rwanda and is about to round up the third phase of the 12-year SDC programme that aims at supporting the Government of Rwanda’s efforts to improve access to as well as quality and relevance of its TVET system. This regional programme extended its activities to Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo during phase 2. PROMOST is financed by SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation). 


RD Congo
Formation professionnelle initiale
L'histoire de réussite de Iragi Etau
Iragi, âgée de 19 ans, a suivi une formation en menuiserie et entrepreneuriat à Bukavu en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Aujourd’hui, Iragi fabrique des meubles et les vend auprès des ménages de son quartier.
RD Congo
« … Avec chaque jour de formation, je me sentais plus encouragée de pouvoir maitriser le métier. »
L'impact de formation de courte durée dans la ville de Bukavu, Sud-Kivu, République démocratique du Congo