Habilidades para la competitividad (ingl.)

Indonesia has charted impressive economic growth since overcoming the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s. It has become the largest economy in the ASEAN community with a GDP per capita of USD 3’603 in 2016. Today, Indonesia is a key player on the global stage as the world’s 4th most populous nation, the world’s 10th largest economy and a member of the G-20. Poverty has been halved since 1999 to 10.9% in 2016 (World Bank, 2017).

While this is good news in principle the poverty rate decline has slowed down since 2012: 28 million Indonesians still live below the poverty line today, while 40% of the total population are considered vulnerable of falling back into poverty with incomes only marginally above the poverty line.

One of the major challenges the country faces today is the structure and dynamics of its labour market. On the one hand, the 1.7 million youth who enter the workforce each year outpace the growth in the number of jobs and result in a demand supply mismatch and people ending up in informal employment. On the other hand, technological progress: the complexity and nature of skills required on the labour market are not adequately matched with the qualifications and experiences obtainable through the national skills development system and result in a skills mismatch.

Duración del proyecto
2018 - 2022
Financiado por
  • State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
  • Government of Indonesia

El proyecto

The structure and dynamics of the Indonesian labour market poses one of the major challenges for the Indonesian economy and its future growth: the 1.7 million youth who enter the workforce each year outpace the growth in the number of jobs and the complexity of skills required are not adequately matched with the qualifications obtainable through the current Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. The Skills for Competitiveness (S4C) Programme aims to address this, is aligned to national strategies and based on clear demand from the Government of Indonesia.

The Programme has two objectives:

  • Five selected Polytechnics are efficiently managed and educate technicians/engineers in selected sectors as per the needs of the private sector. The Polys are focussing on the metal, furniture, wood and food processing sectors.
    Two outputs support this achievement focussing on the establishment of necessary management systems and processes and the development of training approaches oriented in the dual VET system. Interventions include among others the strengthening of school management capacities with focus on industrial relations, supporting the development of teaching ‘factories’ within the Polytechnics, development of a teaching approach on dual training and the upgrading and strengthening of teaching capacities.
  • The Government of Indonesia, selected sector associations and Association of Polytechnics and Industry Indonesia collaborate to develop and strengthen a tertiary dual Vocational Education and Training System in Indonesia.
    Activities aim at the establishment of a service portfolio for Poly-Industry services anchored with institutions like the Association of Polytechnics and Industry Indonesia (APII), sector associations or techno parks, supporting knowledge exchange and learning between VET system actors and contributing to overall VET system reforms.

The Programme is implemented by a Swiss Consortium consisting of the Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation (Swisscontact), the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH-CDC) and the Association for Swiss International Technical Connection (SITECO) working in close collaboration with the Centre for Industrial Human Resource Development (BPSDMI) of the Ministry of Industry (MoI) and the Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia (MoEC).


2018 - June 2022

Strengthening of school management capacities: 

  • 63 trainings have been provided in the topics of strategic plan, accreditation, quality assurance, IT advancement, and branding;
  • 4 schools have been assisted with the accreditation of eleven (11) study programs and have received the accreditation.

Dual-teaching approach: 

  • 14 curricula (Bantaeng 3, Banten 3, Jember 2, Morowali 3, Kendal 3) have been developed or revised in close collaboration with the industry based on the DACUM (Develop A Curriculum) methodology, to ensure the relevance of the curriculum with the needs of the industry;
  • 63 capacity building workshops have been conducted to support polys and industries implementing the industry-based curriculum/DACUM.
  • 155 experts from related industries have been engaged in the DACUM process; 
  • 8 lecturers have become certified DACUM facilitators and available to support industry-based curriculum development in Indonesia.

Strengthening of teaching capacities: 

  • 47 trainings delivered to build up the capacity of lecturers;
  • 31 lecturers from four partner schools completed the Peer Coaching and E-Didactic training, which is a key response to the rising need due to the pandemic situation;
  • 38 lecturers successfully passed in the examination of the 1st phase of the competency assessor training, which was jointly conducted with the MoI and BNSP (National Professional Certification Agency).

Poly-private sector cooperation: 

  • Partnerships with 208 companies have been established to secure internships for students. Moreover, 26 (13%) of them have continuously provided internships for 3 or more consecutive years since 2019;
  • 23 trainings and workshops have been conducted for polys, students, and industries to establish and strengthen the cooperation;
  • 77 In-Company Trainers with international certificates are essential to implement efficient and effective internship programs for the benefits of the students and the companies.

Development of practical facilities: 

  • 37 workshops have been done to provide technical support around teaching factory, OSH, TUK-LSP, and laboratory layout;
  • Bakery Teaching Factory of Poly Jember has been accredited “B” (good) and become a reference teaching factory.

Strengthening dVET service providers: 

  • 42 institutions and 69 individual consultants have been supported to provide dVET services to polys such as industry-based curriculum development, lecturers' training, management capacity building, Career Development Centre (CDC), competency test, and Occupational Safety & Health (OSH), as well as to companies such as in-CT training and structured internship;
  • 11 In-CT trainings and In-CT master trainer trainings have been held.

Policy issues: 

  • Policy supports have been provided to decision makers in 2 policy issues of dVET: (1) Motivation survey of Training vs Non-training Companies for the structured internship and (2) In-CT Training impact study. The support was in the forms of studies, surveys, FGD, and policy dialogue.
  • There are 2 other policy issues that were slightly supported: polytechnic education promotion and graduate competency development.