Beninclusif - Mercados dinámicos para productos agrícolas sostenibles (ingl.)

The objective of this project is to strengthen value chains in select sectors by applying an Inclusive Markets approach, thereby improving quality of life and increasing incomes for producers (i.e. farmer families) while creating jobs. In an initial two-year pilot phase (2019-2020), the project is focusing on the citrus and fisheries sectors, which also constitute an important part of Benin’s rural development strategy. The experiences gained as well as the needs and potential identified during the pilot phase shall then serve to develop tailor-made solutions for a first project phase in 2021-2024, which ultimately will improve the quality of life of disadvantaged populations.
Littoral Department, Benin
Plateau Department, Benin
Zou Department, Benin
Couffo Department, Benin
Mono Department, Benin
Ouémé Department, Benin
Atlantique Department, Benin
Duración del proyecto
2019 - 2020

El proyecto

Swisscontact already has many years of experience in the Inclusive Markets approach, and now we would like to introduce this to Benin as the first country in West Africa. This systemic approach offers the possibility to intervene in market systems on many levels, thereby supporting market participants in the value chain in such a way for local actors to continue effecting sustainable positive change. Swisscontact plays the part of a facilitator and agent connecting the various actors. Special focus will be placed on the themes of “food security” and “promoting women and youth”.


Expected results
An important project objective is to organise participants along the value chain and offer sustainable solutions to resolve bottlenecks in the market system. Consequently, producers (i.e. farmer families) will be able to improve their quality of life and position on the market through improved productivity and product quality. As this project

  1. is now only in the design phase and
  2. aims to achieve systemic change,
more time will be needed to achieve effective results (e.g. the number of people with an improved quality of life who are earning higher incomes and additional jobs). For this reason, below we are listing only initial results in relation to medium-term (approx. 4 years) and long-term objectives (at least 8 years).

Citrus sector:
  • Medium term: through improved productivity of their fruit trees and better market access, producers, sellers, and exporters will increase their incomes by 35% over the medium term.
  • Long term: implementation of standards and regulations in the sector for quality control and to mitigate illnesses in citrus trees.

Fisheries sector:

  • Medium term: fish farmers and other market participants in the sector will increase their incomes over the medium term by 30%.
  • Medium term: local fish feed production

Financing partners

This project is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA. 

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